850cc Mini Homologation sheets.
997cc Cooper Homologation Papers..
Submitted to the FIA 16th January 1962.
The homologation papers for a Rally or Race car give all the details of exactly which modifications are and are not allowed. The detail in these papers is obsessive and everything down to the last nut or bolt is measured, recorded and approved.
970cc Cooper 'S' Homologation Papers.
Submitted to the FIA 11th April 1964 (Gp. 2).
The first sheet of the homologation form for the 970 cc. Mini Cooper 'S' . The homologation papers for a Rally or Race car give all the details of exactly which modifications are and are not allowed. The detail in these papers is obsessive and everything down to the last nut or bolt is measured, recorded and approved.
(In the future I may supply further sheets, depending on available web space)
1275cc Cooper S Homologation Papers.
Submitted to the FIA 1970.
The most complete set of homologation papers ever compiled. This set includes such items as Minilite wheels, Weslake 8 port head, Alloy body panels etc. Most of the additions are dated seperately but this complete set were dated 1970. Its not the best quality copy as the FIA used to use a thermal copier who's copies detiorate badly over the years, but most information is still readable.
Thanks to Ben Tebbutt for sending me this copy.
1970 Homologation Variation Cylinder Head.
Submitted to the FIA 1970.
This excemption form notifies the FIA of the addoption of the 12G940 cylinder head c/w 29mm exhaust valves for use with the Cooper S. All previous S heads had used the 31mm exhaust.
The "Weslake" 8 port head.
Submitted to the FIA April 1970.
The head was first homologated in 1970 and heres the sheet that proves it.
Rubber Suspension on Cooper S
Submitted to the FIA 1970.
The rubber suspension system was homologated for use on the Cooper S after the Competitions department had struggled to get the Hydrolastic system working for most of the 1960's.
A full set of the homologation papers for the original, and arguably the best of them all, the 850cc MK1 Austin Mini. Both Austin & Morris versions were homologated seperately. Sorry about the poor quality of the copies, you can thank the FIA for this!
Mini Homologation
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